At Cecil, we take a scientific approach to nature data.
Scientific concepts
Learn about the concepts we support and why we use them to curate datasets.
Scientific guidelines and reference materials for working with the Cecil platform.
What is a scientific approach?
At its core, a scientific approach is one that is founded on core scientific principles [US National Academy of Sciences 1992] of objectivity, transparency, and rigour. We adopt these principles at Cecil — which we believe is the only way to build trust in the datasets we support.
When it comes to nature data itself, a scientific approach is one that is underpinned by environmental science. Nature encompasses all living and non-living parts of an ecosystem. Ecosystems are profoundly complex, comprising many thousands of interacting components:
- Abiotic conditions → e.g. climate, geology, topography, and hydrology.
- Ecosystem structure → e.g. land cover, biomass, biodiversity, and soil carbon stocks.
- Ecosystem functioning → e.g. biogeochemical cycles, fire dynamics, and crop yield.
- Emergent system behaviour → e.g. lags and feedbacks, stress resistance or resilience, and dynamic equilibria.
Environmental science offers a strong basis for understanding this complexity. Among other things, environmental science has taught us that:
- Ecosystems deliver an abundance of services that create a safe living space for people (e.g. CO₂ capture through photosynthesis, water filtration, and provision of food and medicines) [IPBES 2019].
- Ecosystems are made of the same stuff → plants, animals, microbes, soil, water, carbon, and nutrients… as well as the conditions that limit them and the interactions that bind them.
- Ecosystems follow consistent rules at large scales (e.g. latitude-based tree lines [Körner 1998]) and small scales (e.g. enzyme activities [Sinsabaugh et al. 2008]).
- Local context changes how these rules behave at the site scale [Walker et al. 2019].